After Victor Papanek
2015 // Curatorial
2015 // Curatorial
After Victor Papanek: The Future Is Not What It Used To Be is a group exhibition at the Armory Center for the Arts that focuses on Victor Papanek’s pioneering influence on sustainable, socially responsible, human-centered design and the relevance of his oeuvre to current discourses in contemporary art, particularly in providing a critical framework for an object-oriented social practice. The project asserts Papanek’s legacy as a galvanizing force in contemporary visual art and social practice.
This exhibition is supported by The National Endowment for the Arts
Artists: Dave Hullfish Bailey, CamLab, Ken Ehrlich & Mathias Heyden, Rafa Esparza, Robby Herbst, Olga Koumoundouros, Liz Nurenberg, Michael Parker
“…an engaging and thought-provoking exhibition that celebrates not only creativity but the notion that art might make the world a better place.”- LATimes
Catalog: Print on demand exhibition catalog designed by Willem Henri Lucas will be available in Spring of 2016 at Typecraft.